7 Signs Your School May Be A Diploma Mill
Rector’s MessageIIUI has already track record of launching distance learning programs as we have been offering the distance learning/correspondent courses in Shariah academy as well as Dawah Academy since decades. Muslim Ummah has a great power of youth, if we put them on the right track according to our religious principles and existing challenges, this power can change the world. The top priority of IIUI has always been to prepare high quality professionals immersed in the teachings of Islam and developing balanced harmonious personalities, who may counter the contemporary challenges. IIUI keenly focuses on the development of environment according to the teachings of Islam and contemporary needs. This unique objective has always helped the institution to develop skilled, professional personalities who also have appropriate knowledge of Islamic values. I feel very proud to share that IIUI gives equal opportunities of education to the male as well as female students. To receive thos...